Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rain, rain go away... I'll blog again another day

Rain, rain go away...I'll blog again another day
By Robyn Selles

Generally, rain annoys me and I do whatever I can to stay away from it. Yet, this particular day was no ordinary day – my Japanese test had been cancelled which meant that I could get back to watching movies while curled up in bed. But the rain had other plans for me… and so instead of doing the normal thing – running as fast as I can all the way back to res – I took a deep breath in and spun around in the rain. I then took out my (waterproof) camera and continued to parade around in the rain until I was thoroughly drenched and shivering. It was such an exhilarating experience for me, because I always do whatever it takes to avoid moist situations such as this one. I took many pictures and jumped in all the puddles barefoot. I laughed by myself in the middle of the street – with people giving me strange looks.
Spending time in the rain is not something I plan on doing every day – but on that odd occasion when I know that a warm bed and hot chocolate awaits me, there is nothing wrong with taking some time out of my day to dance in the rain and take pictures of the flooding gutters. It’s such a freeing experience and the perfect way to end off a busy day.
The sky was a fantastic mix of pinks and greys and everything around me was so peaceful – well, except for the students acting like cats in the rain. The smell of almost-summer rain and the high humidity in the air was all so much to take in. I couldn’t stop smiling – and who can blame me?

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