Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mamma had a chicken... Mamma had a cow!

Mamma had a chicken… Mamma had a cow!
By Robyn Selles

In reading the articles posted on “cowandchickenandcoward”, I found myself immediately drawn into them and excited to continue reading. It was not only political issues covered, but personal issues – feminism, working hard and the typical weight problems that can often plague the media. I believe that a blog such as this one is important in a society so that people reading this blog are able to grasp on to that one last shred of hope in this world. Blogs and online magazines that constantly tell people to be who they are not are everywhere – and it is just sickening .
With the media enslaving us all, it is a relief to see personal opinions about important issues in the world as well as the seemingly small ones.
It is evident that the authors of this blog are not well-accomplished, world-famous journalists; instead they represent the mediocrity of the world – the average student, the people we know best. There is something so personal in a blog such as this one. Emoticons and abbreviations are used as they are used in all communicative media among students. They are not pretending to be who they are not. They are blogging every day life for the rest of the world to see and make sense of.
I really believe that this blog could go far with a lot of followers – it’s bright, inviting and exciting and definitely something I will continue to read.

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