Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodbye Cruel (South African) World!

As South Africans – young, vibrant South Africans – we try so hard to make a good foundation for our future lives, but sometimes older, “wiser” people think that we are not good enough as we are; they do not stop to think about the incredible potential we all have inside of us. Many students around South Africa have come to realise that living here and finding a good job will be much harder than moving overseas. And I understand how some South Africans find this shocking, and I have heard that “South Africa has made you who you are, taught you all you know, and you leave without so much as looking back”. I make myself who I am because I have come to realise that not everybody is willing to help make me “great”. When applying for vacation work, I sent out 24 emails to newspapers, magazines and radio stations asking them to help me with my 40 hours for my application to Journalism 2. Three replied positively, 20 did not even bother to reply and the last one told me that as a first year, they would want nothing to do with me because they only deal with the more advanced, third years. I only wished I had phoned them and asked – if they will not help me to get through first year, how will I ever make it to third year? If staying in South Africa will be like this, then I want nothing to do with it.

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