Monday, October 26, 2009

chained freedom

#rublogs my blog post on are my views on the media being bias and goverment contributing political idealogies

Liberal bias in the media occurs when ideas are influenced. Some bias exists within many media channels like the SABC and CNN as well as newspapers, and sometimes radio stations. Media bias is the bias of journalists and news producers, from the way they choose their stories to which story is good enough to get published. Government plays a big part in media influence by having some kind of ownership of the news, staff selection and first choice on target audience, therefore contributing to journalists being politically prejudice. I believe that the media is a product of manipulation of ideologies that is greatly influenced by the government. I don’t believe that favouritism only exists in print; racial bias in media is also evident. “Political activist and one time presidential candidate Rev. Jesse Jackson said in 1985 that the news media portray black people as less intelligent a we are.” The media sometimes depict blacks as the people responsible for crime and being backward. Yes media is a tool for us to know what is happening around us and unfolding scandals and human interests but the question is whose interest is the media protecting and are we getting the full unbiased story?

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