Friday, September 25, 2009

Welcome, welcome one and all!

Welcome, welcome one and all!

By Robyn Selles

Moshi moshi! My name is Robyn and I am a first year journalism student at Rhodes. I am a language fanatic – even though I only speak two fluently, English and Norwegian, I am in the process of learning Japanese! These extra languages will definitely assist in my dream to be a travelling journalist as not everybody enjoys it when one only speaks English (especially in France!).

In following this site, you – YES YOU - will be kept up to date with the latest news, slightly twisted, to suit our style – and as long as you enjoy stories such as “the driving instructor with the DUI”, then this blog is the one for you!

My group and I started this blog not only because we had to, but also to keep journalistic news alive and flowing – as hard news tends to be a bit draining at times. The twisted news found on our blog is going to knock your socks off – as we don’t use the news that most people deem “normal”. I enjoy the random “did you know” facts on this page and will keep them thoroughly updated as I find new ones. I know that almost everyone enjoys reading these type of facts about the world around us, and I recon that this will be the perfect way to draw you all in to our site – it will be like stealing candy from a baby.

I’m a fun loving person and that is why I thought that satirical news would be the best for our site – it just captures everything I believe in. Through our blog, I really hope to make new (cyber) friends and locate people with a similar attitude of the world as I have. So if anybody out there can relate to me, then do the right thing and FOLLOW THIS BLOG!

Before I sign off I thought I would leave my favourite (slightly altered) quote from my main man, Dr Seuss…I would not read it with a fox, I would not read it in a box, I would not like it in a house, I would not read about a mouse… I do not like hard news at all, so this is my latest post on the wall! :)

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