Monday, September 28, 2009

The Mission Statement

by Stella Madlala

My name is Stella Madlala, one of the four members of "JournalismJargon". I was born and groomed in KwaZulu Natal - Durban. I love news especially news with an entertainment value because it keeps me informed and amused - I enjoy a good laugh. News with an entertainment value not only informs me but also incorporates things I need to know about life in general.

"JornalismJargon" is a blog designed to inherit in your life style - it is aimed at constituting part of who you are and what is your choice when it comes to news selection and reading. This blog is aimed at keeping you highly informed and out of the room of anxiety, boredom and normalities of news and their repetitive elements. I believe that reading keeps you informed - words are the most powerful invention since creation. Consuming words is getting full of information, keeping your brain powerful. This blog advocates entertainment in the value of news and information. This blog is your road to power and information.

As you know that the world is an exciting and ever changing place which requires one to be informed not only news wise but also with the trends that will assist in making living and life as a whole easy to adapt to and engage in. Thus journalism is the way forward which keeps track and with the times when it comes to the activities and knowledge that the world possesses. Journalism is what makes you stay entertained and informed or maybe bored pending on the way that you consume and use journalism jargon and journalistic work.

As a journalism student I strive in delivering for my society news that is new and of best quality and interest to my society and the world at all times. I am dedicated to providing the highest quality news and related services to my readers. Promoting a reading and well informed nation and maintaining a blog that is informative and user friendly for both readers and staff. My purpose is to encourage others, to love and enjoy blogging, reading and knowing. I strive to live in the world where news is important and journalists are not taken for granted or as individuals who only impinge on celebrity and gossip life style.

I believe that as journalism students news are our best and deepest interest, being open minded and always ready to produce and deliver to the public at any given time should be our main target goal, as we are or should be useful and handy watch dogs for the society and the nation as a whole. Knowledge is power and being well informed is important, because it continually develops the interest of reading and acquiring more information and understanding.

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